My Story
Hello Beautiful I'm Kate,
I was made to be different, to walk an unconventional path. A rebel by nature with a extremely sensitive & compassionate heart. As long as I can remember I've always had a deep desire to build others up. To help them see the beauty & gifts within themselves.
I spent most of my life trying to fulfill the dreams & expectations my parents had for me, to live a conventional life. I developed a savior complex in my personal relationships where I felt I had to save others from themselves & solve their problems. I placed this immense pressure on myself to achieve in order to have value. I developed crippling self doubt & a nasty inner critic. In my pursuit of making everyone else happy, I had abandoned myself. I lost my self esteem, purpose, & direction. No matter how hard I tried to be of value & feel worthy, I couldn't achieve it.
In my life I have experienced painful trauma that left me wounded & unconsciously living in victimhood. I didn't have the skills & tools I have today. My coping mechanisms involved avoiding, repressing & denying my pain. I turned to toxic codependent relationships, alcohol, & drugs to numb myself. I ran for so long from the pain until there was no where left to hide. It wasn't until I got pregnant with my first born that I would be reunited with my spiritual gifts & life purpose, again. It was a brutally painful & dark experience that sparked a powerful spiritual awakening & deep inner healing journey that has led me to where I am today.
My most valuable life & karmic lessons have been about radical self love & acceptance, the power & necessity of conscious creation, the law of compassion & grace & authentic self expression. When I finally allowed myself to be the unique "different" I was always meant to be, the flow of abundance,success & opportunity easily flowed into my life.
I have healed deep wounds around: my inner child & being my authentic self, sexual & birthing trauma, perfectionism, psychic gifts & abilities, as well as nervous system & emotional dysregulation. I am by no means "all better now", that simply isn't how this works. I am just like you in the fact that I am still growing & learning. Healing is a journey, not a destination, and none of us gets a free pass from it. I know now, that every painful lesson & moment has led me to the place I am today and I am incredibly grateful for this beautiful messy thing called life.
I've been where you are, sister. I know how scary & impossible healing from your trauma & patterns can feel. You are not alone, and you are not broken. I am a trauma informed professional & certified Coach & Healer. I will hold the space for you to rise to your greatness & do the deep inner work you need to do to unleash your most vibrant, passionate, authentic self.
With great love & compassion,
Coach Kate
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